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Bright channel volume loss

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:03 pm
by Elad E
I've been using a 100pf bright cap on my Superlead build for the last couple of months but after playing my JTM45 exclusively in the last month I found the sound in my Superlead a little too shrill, so I took the bright cap off and suddenly the bright channel only generates 5-10% of the volume on the normal channel when both knobs are set identically.
in addition, the sound is very thin.
after checking the signal path on the bright channel with multimeter (continuity and resistor/pot values) I found no problem, put the bright cap back and everything went back to normal...
replacing the bright cap with a 470k resistor yielded the same results as the bright cap.

While I'm pretty sure the 1M volume pot is to blame, the multimeter showed no problem, would replacing the pot solve the problem?

Re: Bright channel volume loss

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:07 pm
by danman
It may be bad. The cap acts to pass signal around the pot so it's possible the pot is malfunctioning.