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Anybody in the Newport News area?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:52 pm
by bvmjethead
I'm going to get one of George's JTM 45 head kits as soon as they are available.

Is there someone on this board close to Newport News, Virginia who would be willing to help a newbie get this amp head together.

I don't want somebody to build it for me, more of a "babysitter" to make sure I don't do anything really stupid.

I'm a recently turned 40 year old who owns his own business, so you won't have to babysit me, just my building skills. :)

I'm buying the ale!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:23 am
by white room
I live in Va. Beach over in Aragona. ( I know that's still a little ways away)

I just built one of George's 68 boards and put it in my SLP R/I.

BTW: I hit 39 in September and next September is getting here too fast :)