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My recent health updates and more

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:14 pm
by VelvetGeorge
Just want to give a public update on my recent health developments. It's good news so far and going in a healthier direction.

One of the biggest things lately has been attending a sleep clinic and confirming sleep apnea and hypopnea. With the level of stress I'm dealing with over the last several years with my divorce and business changes I have really noticed myself getting run down and not able to rejuvenate. Sleep quality has definitely played a role in this. It has taken me 9 years in business to afford health insurance that will cover the necessary testing and treatment. The issues are now confirmed and I have a CPAP machine to use. After 2 nights use I can feel a difference. I have also cut caffeine out of my routine, which was also affecting sleep. Better sleep can only help me be more affective and efficient, which I look very much forward to. This is a far better approach than my previous method of powering through fatigue with mind over matter.

I have a full physical with my new doctor on Wednesday. We will be testing all levels. Basically the 40 year old screening a year early (I turned 39 in May).

I have also had more legal/custody issues to deal with over the last few months. I won't go into specifics, but it's ugly. I have parted ways with my former attorney and have a new i.e. way more expensive, lawyer to address these issues.

Fortunately, I have orders for Metropoulos amps and lots of design work to do. We have more demand for our manufacturing services than we can take on, so the biz model seems to be working. With lots of room to grow.


Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:03 pm
by neikeel
Glad it is getting sorted - thought you might want to stay away from Doctors :wink:

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:10 pm
by axeman
After a few months on your cpap, you'll feel and look 100% better, lot's of energy.

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:44 pm
by demonufo
Wow! I can only apologize that I had NO idea things had gotten so much worse for you George. Glad things are moving in a more positive direction though. Wishing you all the best.

And you certainly want to stay away from doctors like Neil. Most unpleasant work. :lol: (Although without his ilk I would be long gone myself)

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:56 pm
by toner
I wish you the very best George! Take care and let us know how things are going. :thumbsup:

I'll be praying for you. :hide: :)

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:00 pm
by indeedido
As a CPAP user at 40 I know how you feel. Can't go one night without it. Chin up!

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:24 pm
by Reeltarded
Keep doing all the right stuff, George. It's working for ya.



Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:06 am
by VelvetGeorge
Thanks guys, I'm trying. Though not as obvious lately, I'm still working lots of hours. Commitments to deliver amps and designs keeps me under lots of pressure. I have to say I had no idea how much contracted design and manufacturing work was available until I segued from the kit business to the Ampeg B-15 project and now Friedman and Cameron production. I wish a few of you guys were more local, I could keep skilled assembly people busy full time.

I'm committed to improving my health overall, so we will stay on this path. I relish the idea of not feeling run down all the time. I'll post after my physical Wednesday....


Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:33 am
by BAinFL
Glad to hear you're getting things treated George and glad business is good. I lost a friend in his mid 30's a few years back due to undiagnosed sleep apnea. By the time he got help, he had already had CHF and an enlarged heart. So I'm happy you're already seeing results from the CPAP. Keep on the mend. I'm sure a lot of people here are in your corner here, pulling for you to get back to 100%.

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:25 am
by SoloDallas
I'm here George. 44 here, no serious health issues so far but I started to check myself more frequently.
We're at that "risk" age where things can start to happen.

Warm hugs from Italy (leaving for San Diego tomorrow, for a coupla months),

Fil :peace:

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:31 am
by MacGaden
VelvetGeorge wrote:Thanks guys, I'm trying. Though not as obvious lately, I'm still working lots of hours. Commitments to deliver amps and designs keeps me under lots of pressure. I have to say I had no idea how much contracted design and manufacturing work was available until I segued from the kit business to the Ampeg B-15 project and now Friedman and Cameron production. I wish a few of you guys were more local, I could keep skilled assembly people busy full time.

I'm committed to improving my health overall, so we will stay on this path. I relish the idea of not feeling run down all the time. I'll post after my physical Wednesday....

Sorry to hear about your problems.
Take care of yourself, George. I´m 10 years ahead of you, and it´s hard to get used to your body not just working, that you have to do something to take care of it... And yourself. But you seem to be on the right path, and as I can see on FB your beautiful kids are doing great, business is good, so... All the best, and remember to enjoy life as well.

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:00 am
by NY Chief
George, how the hell can you have sleep apnea when you DON'T sleep?!?!?!?!?! My doc has been after me to do the sleep study, too. I wake myself up a number of times during the night forgetting to breathe...

The 40 yr old physical coming, eh? No sympathy from those of us on the "other side". :o What did Chevy Chase sing in that movie? Oh yeah "Moooooooon RIver"....

Your doing the right thing George, For you and the kids. Like a few senoirs said above, we're not indsestructable anymore and no one is going the other way.

Good luck!

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:04 pm
by VelvetGeorge
Appreciate the support. I think I'm finally looking back at the divorce and seeing how much it really affected me health wise. I definitely aged exponentially during the last several years.
I see the doc tomorrow, I'll post how that goes, if for nothing more than comic relief. LOL

Hey Chief, I sleep as much as possible these days! Those kids run me ragged.


Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:10 pm
by charles anthony
Get yourself well . All else will fall into place,your health is paramount. Best wishes to you and yours.

Re: My recent health updates and more

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:50 pm
by NY Chief
VelvetGeorge wrote: Hey Chief, I sleep as much as possible these days! Those kids run me ragged.


Yeah, if we could bottle that energy...

Good luck with your "procedure" just tell the doc if he's scoping both ends to do it the right order.... :o