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NEW ClinchFX EP+

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:00 am
by clinchfx
Peter and Mandy from ClinchFX have finally released the new EP+ pedal. The EP+ is a natural progression from the very successful EP-PRE.

We developed the EP+ in mid 2009, but demand for the EP-PRE combined with personal circumstances caused us to put it on the back burner for more than a year.

The EP+ is a clean boost pedal. The heart of the EP+ is the EP-PRE circuit and power supply. We simply added another JFET stage to the tried and true EP-PRE circuit. The extra stage is configured as a boost stage, not a buffer as others have done. The boost stage is configured to create up to 18db of clean boost, depending on how hard it is driven. If you do drive the EP+ hard enough to induce distortion, it makes very smooth progressive clipping, unlike many solid state devices. The EP+ works really well overdriving the input stage of a tube amp

Although the boost stage is not a buffer, the EP+ has considerably lower output impedance than the EP-PRE, allowing it to be used with longer cable runs than the EP-PRE without losing either the EP-3 magic or any high frequencies.

One more great thing about the EP+ is that it can do unity gain, in fact, the volume control goes from mute to full output.

Here is a link to the EP+ web page

Re: NEW ClinchFX EP+ - Clips

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:37 am
by clinchfx
Brett Kingman, aka Burgs, has made a couple of clips that capture the sound of the EP+ very nicely.

My sincere thanks to Brett for the time and effort that he obviously spent to make these clips :clap:
