Joe Satriani on Jimi Hendrix’s “Red House” and Electric Lady

His guitar slung across his back, his dusty boots is his cadillac.

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Joe Satriani on Jimi Hendrix’s “Red House” and Electric Lady

Post by JasO » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:14 am

Following on the heels of my Stevie Ray Vaughan interview about Jimi Hendrix, here's something to help ring in the new year for Joe Satriani and Jimi Hendrix fans.

In this 1989 interview done after the release of his breakthrough Surfing with the Alien album, Joe Satriani describes how Jimi Hendrix's music inspired him to become a rock guitarist. And like Stevie, Joe was especially impressed with Jimi's facility with the blues: "For my soul, he was the deepest blues player. He played the saddest stuff and he played the funniest. He played the most outside stuff, but it was really from the gut. He strayed from the traditional blues playing, yet he always seemed to incorporate the moans and the cries into a phrasing that was completely blues." Joe, who had Jimi's Electric Ladyland CD playing in the background as we were talking, goes on to explain why "no one today would dare put out a record like that."

Hope you enjoy it!

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