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Re: PRS HDRX amp

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 4:38 pm
by mark
Thanks again for your reply. It’s disappointing that the Thomas speaker couldn’t be replicated. I would have thought WGS could have done something or perhaps one of the boutique speaker companies. What do the Thomas speakers look like?

I have only seen speakers with Thomas stickers on them which looked like Jensen speakers.



Re: PRS HDRX amp

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:09 pm
by daveweyer
They looked just like the Celestion alnico speakers you would see in a Super Beatle amp, call them Silver Bulldogs if you like, they were based on the alnico blue Celestion, but with slightly higher power capacity. Thomas was trying to get out of purchasing expensive imported English speakers, and was trying to replace the Celestion with an American made model, sort of they did with the Gold Bulldog, which was made by Oxford.

Re: PRS HDRX amp

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:51 am
by mark
What speakers in your opinion sound closest to it?

I could see people liking the Celestion 20 watt speakers (as used by EVH) as they aren’t as efficient and a high wattage amp isn’t as loud. If EVH used them they can’t be too bad.

Thanks again for your input.

I was also curious about the fuzz box using 2N525 and 2N591 transistors. How leaky could the transistors be and still sound good. In Tonebenders it seems desirable.



Re: PRS HDRX amp

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:10 pm
by daveweyer
The 2N591 and 2N525 and 527 had vastly less leakage than the stock fuzz transistors. They (2N591s) were much higher beta and so much less noisy. This also made them more temperature stable. (ever wonder why fuzz-faces all sounded so different?)