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Re: Netflix: 'Jimi: All Is By My Side' (2013)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:33 am
by chrisom
I thought it was humorous when Linda Keith gave Jimi the Strat, it had 'KR' engraved on the back (Keith Richards).

Also, the humor and irony of the scene where a young Keith Richards looking all respectable in a suit expresses his disdain to Linda's well-to-do father that his daughter had taken to running with this 'Jimi' character, and says,
"...and on top of that, he's (Jimi) a drug-addict!"

Re: Netflix: 'Jimi: All Is By My Side' (2013)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:24 am
by vintage_charlie
Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but a couple of days ago i saw the movie. And, yes, i was utterly disappointed - how can you imagine doing a Hendrix movie without Hendrix's music and hope it might go well? Just to wash away the disappointment, i watched the James Brown movie - Get all up right afterwards, which was a great story on a genius musician.
Except for some Hendrixy noodling (that was mighty fine on itself for sure) there were only a couple of famous Hendrix covers that he did over the years (as for those they could get the rights without our beloved Janie). Jimis lyrics are highly personal and it was another chance missed for a great perspective on the man, as many experiences found their way into his lyrics (again, copyright issues for sure).
Andre was a scary incarnation of Jimi - too bad that this opportunity was wasted on a really shallow story that revealed very little about Jimi or other characters in the movie and that lead into more or less nothing, abysmal montage and some lenghty dialogs that hold good bits, even based on sources, but that are in the end totally detached from the story.
Oh, and the most tragi-comic moment was that Jimi's white strat that Linda Keith gave him, wasn't even a real strat, as the headstock was changed - probably again due to some copyrights and what not - though that was a shocker - you have to pay something just to show a guy with a Fender guitar in the hands? :shrug:

Re: Netflix: 'Jimi: All Is By My Side' (2013)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:58 am
by chrisom
Right- When Jimi was the greatest ambassador of the Strat... They're willing to turn down free advertising? Nuts... :palm:

Re: Netflix: 'Jimi: All Is By My Side' (2013)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:56 pm
by Xplorer
i will NEVER Watch this pseudo Jimi biopic ...
i think i've heard that Jani is planning a movie about Jimi but maybe she'll waste it too

Re: Netflix: 'Jimi: All Is By My Side' (2013)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:37 am
by chrisom
I thought it was worth watching once, even if just for the Clapton (Jimi) show-stealing stage scene and the hot T-and-A in the film. It's like any other movie you go see- 'Suspension of Disbelief'. I didn't view it as accurate at all though...