I would say no here. According to your filtering scheme, the TOTAL filtering is LESS THAN a later model Marshall. This means that since your amp has a little less filtering than a '68-'69 Marshall does with "theoretically" the same power transformer, that if the originals didn't replate yet yours is, this points to the fact that Metro's power transformer is obviously more efficient than the transformer that it was supposed to be a clone of in that it CAN keep the filter caps charged vs an ORIGINAL PT that would sag under filter cap recharge demand.Roe wrote:could caps affect this as well? I'm using the sozo 4 100uf caps for screens and mains (for a total of 50uf on mains and 50uf on screens). PI caps is a F&T 32+32uf and preamp F&T 16+16. all caps have been slow-formed according to larry's method (a 100k after rectifier)
In other words...due to the efficiency of modern technology vs. the inefficiency of vintage technology, you're f**ked.