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Which Mic Pre?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:17 pm
by npminard
Getting ready to pull the plug on an SM57 and a mic pre, but not sure what to look for in a mic pre? I know that there are some high end ones in the $1000+ range. I'm just getting started w/mic'ing cabs, so I'm trying to stay in the $200-300 range, would like to get something that'll give me a quality sound so that I can put recordings on the net, but doesn't have to be studio grade. What kind of factors should I consider? Seems like Dual Channel vs. Single Channel is pretty big. Is there anything like checking compatibility w/the PC it's going into, knowing I'll need a USB adapter. I'm running the now defunct Cool Edit Pro 2.0. Companies like ART, PreSonus, and Behringer have some affordable the $50 range, seems too cheap? I'm sure this is "you get what you pay for" Any input would be great. Thanks


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:02 pm
by St August
I picked up a Mackie 1642 VLZ pro on the bay for 225.00 and I got 16 mic pre's better than My Focusrite platinum pro plus which I sold..... :wink:
so Buy a board youll be much happier...


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:08 pm
by Bluesgeetar
THe best bang for the buck you'll find anywhere in the world is the EH 12AY7 mic pre. 150-189 bucks and can be upgraded to smoke most all. By upgrade I mean you'll have to void that warranty and replace cheap parts with WIMA and the likes and carbon comps or whatever. Neutrik mic connectors and all. BUt it sounds killer out of the box as is. I got some Telefunken 12AU7 and RCA 12AY7 in mine! She sings heavenly! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:35 pm
by npminard
Thanks for the responses guys. A board...didn't think of that. I have an older Tascam 246 Portastudio...wonder how that would sound.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:19 pm
by St August
youll never know until you try... :wink: but it might be a bit noisy :x

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:47 pm
by npminard
Yeah :lol: I've been reading about those Mackie's...good stuff. Seems like better bang for a buck, they retail for $500, as much as a single mic pre which only does one thing. With the Mackie you get an entire board :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:08 pm
by St August
npminard wrote:Yeah :lol: I've been reading about those Mackie's...good stuff. Seems like better bang for a buck, they retail for $500, as much as a single mic pre which only does one thing. With the Mackie you get an entire board :wink:
I Love mine the mic pre's are great... youll be able to see and hear when you come up in Jan... 8)

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:20 am
by JimiJames
The M-Audio and Presonus recording bundles are easy to use for the computer. The have the highest ratings for their Pre's and are very affordable.
I recently purchased M-Audios Firewire 410 and eager to get things rollin'.
I'm excited to post some tracks down for all here at Metro to critique.
I'll be wearing a cup and ready for those vicious 1 liners :D


Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:27 am
by npminard
JimiJames wrote:The M-Audio and Presonus recording bundles are easy to use for the computer. The have the highest ratings for their Pre's and are very affordable.
I recently purchased M-Audios Firewire 410 and eager to get things rollin'.
I'm excited to post some tracks down for all here at Metro to critique.
I'll be wearing a cup and ready for those vicious 1 liners :D

I'll have to check that out, thanks for your response. I'm looking forward to putting some tracks up here too, to get feedback on my playing and tone, I know there's a lot of great players on here, would like to get some opinions before I start gigging with a new rig. Yes, the vicious 1 liners :lol:

St August wrote:
npminard wrote:Yeah :lol: I've been reading about those Mackie's...good stuff. Seems like better bang for a buck, they retail for $500, as much as a single mic pre which only does one thing. With the Mackie you get an entire board :wink:
I Love mine the mic pre's are great... youll be able to see and hear when you come up in Jan... 8)

Ideally, I want to get into more serious home recording, so a more modern analog board seems like the way to go. I think I'd find it maybe easier than w/the PC? Either way, I've heard good things about recording on an analog machine, like the Mackie, and then doing the mixing in the PC. Didn't know how long they've been around for. Yes, really looking forward to being able to see and hear when I come up in Jan, again, really excited 8) Rock on, man! :wink:

Thanks for the feedback guys,



Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:24 pm
by Bluesgeetar
Sorry, I must have misunderstood your first post. You said you were looking for the best mic pre (which is singular not plural) and made no mention that you were looking for a mixing board in the 200 to 300 range. So yes for the best bang for the buck I'd say a good used mackie board for hopefully under 300. But then again if I didn't misunderstand then a single Mackie pre can't even touch and ain't even in the same league as the EH 12AY7 pre. I thought you were looking for a single pre. Sorry.

Re: hmm

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:01 pm
by npminard
Bluesgeetar wrote:Sorry, I must have misunderstood your first post. You said you were looking for the best mic pre (which is singular not plural) and made no mention that you were looking for a mixing board in the 200 to 300 range. So yes for the best bang for the buck I'd say a good used mackie board for hopefully under 300. But then again if I didn't misunderstand then a single Mackie pre can't even touch and ain't even in the same league as the EH 12AY7 pre. I thought you were looking for a single pre. Sorry.
You didn't misunderstand me. I was looking for a single mic pre originally, not a board. St. August suggested a board as an alternative to a single mic pre, that's how the discussion got started on the Mackie boards. Being new at this, I didn't realize that mic pre's were built into boards, I thought that you had to run a mic pre into the board, didn't know it acted as one. I'm doing PC recording so I didn't consider a board, but it might make sense as you can run it into the PC and use it like a mic pre. Thanks for the info on the EH. I guess you're saying that if I went the route of a single mic pre, the EH is way better compared to a single Mackie?


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:41 am
by Bluesgeetar
the EH is way better compared to a single Mackie?
Oh yes! Well I mean this only if your into old school quality and tone. The EH 12AY7 runs at full not a starved plate configuration like almost every other 12A based newer gear. The tubes are running at 200V instead of 12 and 48V like most. There the new rave and get wonderful reviews by users not just biased mags. But like I said, this is only if you are looking for a single pre. Also if you tear into it and replace alot of the components with WIMA and CC res and what not she will sing for you beautifully. And upgrade the tubes. :D

Re: hmmm

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:11 pm
by npminard
Bluesgeetar wrote:
the EH is way better compared to a single Mackie?
Oh yes! Well I mean this only if your into old school quality and tone. The EH 12AY7 runs at full not a starved plate configuration like almost every other 12A based newer gear. The tubes are running at 200V instead of 12 and 48V like most. There the new rave and get wonderful reviews by users not just biased mags. But like I said, this is only if you are looking for a single pre. Also if you tear into it and replace alot of the components with WIMA and CC res and what not she will sing for you beautifully. And upgrade the tubes. :D
I'll have to check that out. By old school quality and tone, do you mean that it's voiced for certain music...say classic rock instead of metal or do you mean that it's just a quality product more representative of vintage tones? Thanks for the info, doesn't seem to bad on the pocket book, $180 something new.

Anyone have info on the ART Tube PAC?

Re: hmmm

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:00 pm
by St August
Bluesgeetar wrote:
Also if you tear into it and replace alot of the components with WIMA and CC res and what not she will sing for you beautifully. And upgrade the tubes. :D
Now its not 180.00 when you up grade to make it sound good... HMMM
upgrade to make it sound good. The Makie Sounds Great Right out of the BOX!


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:18 pm
by Bluesgeetar
I think I stated earlier that it sounds killer out of the box also. Just out of the box it kills the Mackie pre. I am talking only though of old school tone quality.

This statement speaks for itself:

EH 12AY7 = tube tone vintage tone

Mackie = modern tone

Just depends on what you prefer I guess. I'll take tube circuitry anyday over solid state unless we are talking about NEVE gear.
or do you mean that it's just a quality product more representative of vintage tones?
Yes that is what I mean. :D