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Recording/Releasing Original Material

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:06 pm
by rgalpin
Hey guys,

I'm recording an album of my own material.
I'm blogging the progress detail by detail - some technical stuff - some artistic stuff - some song writing stuff - and some pics of my kids enjoying normal life while daddy locks himself in the studio playing guitar and yelling.

If yer interested, check out the blog at the link below..." onclick=";return false;


Re: Recording/Releasing Original Material

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:38 pm
by Herec
I like it. :D I gave it a quick quiet listen, as I'm watching TV with my mum, and a quick read though. I'll edit this later, if I can give any more feedback.

Re: Recording/Releasing Original Material

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:41 pm
by T.J.Fuller
Rob ,

I've been following the blog since you put it up.

it's a great website and

fanatastic material you have going on there!

really like the guitar tone and solo work on Wheels!

I hope more people around this forum tune in , its definitely very informative and cool.

Re: Recording/Releasing Original Material

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:53 am
by rgalpin
TJ - thanks man that's very encouraging.

I haven't posted as much on there for the last week or so because I've been focusing on ProTools in an effort to start doing my own mixes. Mark Schenker [KIX/Funny Money Bassist] does a great job - but I just want the experience of doing it myself. I'm hopefully getting that under control enough that I can get back to the tunes and the guitar real soon.

I think WHEELS is going to be my first mix - looking forward to recording the guitars for that too - re-amping through a SL on on the left and a Bassman on the right - might try to get an ambient track going like is being talked about in the other thread - right now it's all done with SansAmp plugin.

Thanks for checking it out TJ and thanks for the kind words.
