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Mic test NeumannKM84/BeyerM160 with Band Live..

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:15 pm
by Myopic Void
Hey guys------. been MIA and crazy busy but I thought I would share some mic test and clips from Tues night. The mic's are two older Neumann KM84's and Beyer M160's. I am trying to decide which I like better for this drumset. The overheads I used for a long time were CAD's and Sennheiser ME40's. I tried U87's and found them to be better for bass drum and guitar cabs for my taste.

The clips below are solo'ed Beyer M160 overheads going into 1272's and then KM84's solo'ed overheads into the same pre's. The differences are as to be expected, pretty drastic. You get ALOT of bleed from the amps with the KM84's and more sparkle on the top end. The M160 are darker and a way more focused hyper pattern. The toms do pop out more. They take EQ well.

The other clip features the KM84's along with the rest of the mic's up and the same live song. I honestly cannot make up my mind which I like better. Note the mix seems to be smoother with the M160's but the KM84's are more open. Unfortunatley I cannot find the M160's with the whole mix clip at the moment so as soon as I find it later today I will post it. A least you can hear the solo'ed overhead test of two different mic's. I really need to live with both mic pairs and mess with placement more, for this test I just threw them up in my typical configuration.

The tracks are similar live material posted a few weeks back but with another rythem section. Amps Marshall SL 100 stock, two cabs Royer 121, Bass DI Countryman 85 (with room bleed :D ) Drums RE20/U87 bass. Shure spot mic's.

I just got a pair of Urei 1176LN compressors yesterday to try with the overheads. I want to try the "all buttons in" in setting and see what we get at this weekends session. Stay tuned...

Beyer M160 overheads...

Neumann KM84 overheads..

KM84' with band..guitar track a little too hot, kick too light..

earlier Solo Version with CAD's..