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question about receptacles

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:17 am
by npminard
I'm wonder if the type of receptacle and/or power source that I plug my amp into can change the tone? Reason I ask is that my head and cab sound pretty good at home, but when I took a rehearsal at a school gym, the tone seemed different, perhaps a little thinner to my ears. Settings on the guitar, amp, and pedal remained the same in addition to the same chords being used. Anyone else experience this? Maybe it's not related to the power source? Thanks

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:03 am
by St August
Well remember your changed rooms... Im sure the Gym is much larger
and the amount of reflection has really changed.. You no longer have the bass reflection you had at home.. Being that you were in a smaller room the sound reflection well be quite a bit shorter in response time thus making your amp sounding Fatter.. In the Gym no short reflectins are heard and there fore thin sounding amp... Also A change in power from your home, which could be 115 volts and the school could be 120 volts thus effecting voltages in your amp thus changing your tone... But I would venture to say that changing room sizes had the greatest effect...

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:01 pm
by npminard
Thanks for the response. I'm actually playing in some side room inside of the gym, not huge by any means, however it's still bigger than the room in the house. Good info, didn't think about the acoustics!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:33 pm
by St August
carpet drywall block wall tile floor low ceiling high ceiling all play apart of your sound... it will change from place to place... I f I remember right
Mark(Rockstah) uses his PodXT with his Marshalls on the road to keep his sound more consistant.. Because he know his sound will vary from place to place...

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:05 am
by npminard
All things being the same (the settings on my amp, pedal, and guitar) and the tone still changed, given the change in room condition (the only variable outside of the power source). I'm having trouble understanding how a POD type unit would keep tone more consistent, especially if the only variable changing is the acoustics and the power source? I would think if it was a POD to a power amp or POD and an amp, the sound could still change based on the room conditions and the equipment used wouldn't matter?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:02 am
by St August
the pod will only keep the elecrtical part the same not the room
no tubes in the pod..... :wink:


Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:45 am
by gerry1
St August wrote:carpet drywall block wall tile floor low ceiling high ceiling all play apart of your sound... it will change from place to place... I f I remember right
Mark(Rockstah) uses his PodXT with his Marshalls on the road to keep his sound more consistant.. Because he know his sound will vary from place to place...

By the way, what kind of carpet do you have?