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Some new original tunes (rock/power pop content)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:24 am
by hipfan
Hey guys, my band just recorded 4 new originals in our rehearsal space a couple of weeks ago. It's pretty straight-forward rock/pop, except maybe for the one E-Bow drenched tune.

All music done live, then with vocals recorded immediately afterwards. It obviously would have been better to go into a proper studio to do this, but time and budget constraints prevented that. It turned out pretty well though, in my completely unbiased :shock: opinion! The draft mixes are posted at our new MySpace page:

No real Metro Amp content, except for the mustard caps I bought from George for my DST U34-CL amp (right side speaker on all tracks). Sorry about that! :)

Let me know if anyone wants to know about gear used, etc. Thanks in advance for any listens and feedback! 8)