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Re: Fender 69' Strat Pickup Sets

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:00 am
by yngwie308
I must say that the pickups in my 2004 YJM Strat, even being DiMarzio stacked h/b's, were low output and sounded very Hendrixy especially in the in between settings. The HS-3 in the bridge and the two YJM's in the middle and neck with their vintage magnet stagger sounded close to these Fender CS '69's imo.
These poly painted Strats do not have the body/neck resonance of say my 1983 '57 Reissue Stratocaster.
I remember playing my buddies 1968 Strat in Olympic White, maple cap neck while in England and I preferred my 1965 Transition logo Strat 100 times more, much more resonant.
Has anyone here tried the Lindy Fralin Woodstock set yet?
I hear these are killer, but I had no reason to buy them at the time.
Speaking of Strat pickups, I just love my 'aged' 1983 '57/'62 Vintage Fender pickups in my reissue, they are more mellower each year and have matured well.
I directly compared them to the Clapton Blackie when that guitar came out(the expensive one) and liked my p/u's as much!
The key for the '69's is how well they will take to say a vintage Fuzz Face as that's your hendrix sound right there!