Fender Twin Reverb Buzzing

Completed amps from Fender, Orange, Hiwatt, Vox, etc.

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Fender Twin Reverb Buzzing

Post by slough » Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:21 pm

Hi, ive got a fender twin reverb reissue and ive been having a problem lately with the amp buzzing. its a whitenoiseish sound that occurs whenever the amp is turned on and it is directly related to the volume at which the amp is set. it occurs whether or not anything is plugged into it. It seems like turning up the treble has a significant impact on this issue as well. while tweaking with the knobs yesterday i noticed while turning the treble is actually stopped for a second before starting up again. Does something just need cleaning? is this a pre-amp issue? Any advice or insight would be appreciated. Thanks

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